Killer Floods



Video Title: 

Killer Floods


NEW18 Nova



Length (min): 


Year Created: 


Description and/or Review: 

MEMBER REVIEW: Highly recommended. Scientists are discovering evidence of giant floods before recorded history. The size of these floods far exceeds the floods that we now experience as a result of fires, heavy rainfall, erosion, and snow melt. The Channeled Scablands in eastern Washington state show rock islands, enormous horse-shoe shaped dry falls, house-sized erratics and potholes. Scientists have traced the monster floods to Glacial Lake Missoula when its ice dam melted. Other evidence includes similar structures found on Iceland, the result of volcano-induced glacier melting. The English Channel is hypothesized to have formed when the chalk land bridge between England and France gave way, allowing the North Sea to gouge out a channel. These great disasters would have killed virtually anything in their path and transformed continents in a matter of hours. Similar forces exist today, from the influence of climate change, and communities downstream from ice dams are threatened. (A gift to the GSM from Rebecca Galkiewicz.)
