Gemstone Adventure Series: Tanzanite Story

Video Title: 

Gemstone Adventure Series: Tanzanite Story


Jewelry Television



Length (min): 


Year Created: 


Description and/or Review: 

3 copies in library. MEMBER REVIEW: This is another JTV production. It is slickly produced, but not as good as their diamond DVD. Tanzanite was discovered in 1967, so it has a much shorter history than diamonds. Additionally, tanzanite is found in only one place, so there is not as much to discuss. This DVD runs about 25 minutes, and has a lot of footage of animals and scenery. There is the geology of the stone, and associated minerals and mining footage. However I was disappointed that there was not more - maybe exploring more about the associated minerals. So watch it, but realize it feels pretty short. Maybe if I had seen this first, it would not be such a letdown.
